Sunday, August 22, 2010

More Silly Photos

Well I must say in todays day and age not having the internet sucks. I must try to find a less expensive provider. It took me over an hour to finally get logged on to the Starbucks free Wi-Fi. They must think I'm moving in.

Here's some photo's my friend took for my Delta Society badge and a few of all three of us. It's amazing what a bag of very smelly dog treats will do to get a dogs attention.

I'm about sick of the Starbucks music so this will be all for today.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Goofy Dog Photos

We were at a picnic to night so I enlisted the help of a friend to get some photos of Rocky and I for our name badge. I forgot the treats so getting the deaf boy to look at the camera wasn't really happening but we had fun anyway. I have another friend who is going to meet me Wednesday to try some more. She should be a professional photographer she's so good. This time I will remember the smelly treats!

Here's a few of the Rock and I:

Love Shika's look in this one. She's my photogenic camera hog.

Camera hog is easily distracted by something shiny.

Hopefully we'll have better luck Wednesday but it's always a crack up trying to get photos with dogs. I imagine photos with children can be just as challenging!

Saturday, August 14, 2010


I was using a thumb drive I hadn't used in a while and found this photo of my old girl Mallory. I think this was the summer before her last.

Shika and I still miss you little friend. Your passing left room for Rocky who was in need of a home when you left us. If he knew I'm sure he'd be thankful. We love him, he's kinda goofy and silly like you were. Not quite equal in athleticism but we'll forgive him for that.

This photo was on there as well. This was our first winter in Utah. Supposedly it was their worst winter in 10 years. Shika discovered she LOVED LOVED LOVED the snow! When I started doing winter hiking this past season I think she was in heaven.

And another one of the Rock and his favorite sleeping spot. He has started hopping into the bed on his own this week. I must get a bigger bed!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Room mates and dogs

A friend moved in recently for at least a couple months. Her room mates left and she couldn't find a place in time. Plus the ones that she can afford or sound good will only take "Mormon" room mates. Hazards of living in Utah. Neither of us are. I certainly wouldn't want to live with one.

She was giving me reports on taking the dogs out. The other day I asked if she took them out and she proceeded to tell me they didn't want to walk with her. I had to laugh. She also said all they do is sleep and that she thought dogs that big would be way more active. Little did she know. One day she told me Shika walked out, did her back flop on the grass right off the steps, then turned around and wanted to come back to the apartment. On another occasion Rocky got to the landing between the second and third floor breezeway and proceeded to lay down on her. What lazy mutts I have! I told her get out the hiking boots and backpack and you will see two VERY different dogs!

Last night I was laying on the floor watching something on the computer and Shika proceeded to her spot on the futon. Rocky's decided he also enjoys a good lounge on the same futon. He proceeded to hop up and plop opposite Shika. The look she gave was priceless. "What the heck! Who invited him to MY futon! Aren't you going to do something about this? Why did you bring a boy home, doesn't he know the rules?" I thought it would make a great picture, and make many shake their heads. There I was laying on the floor with my head on the dog bed (love the fresh cedar smell) and the two dogs were sprawled out on the couch like it was perfectly normal.

Ah life with dogs. They continually entertain me and make me laugh. Totally worth it! Keep your children Utah and I will keep my dogs!