Well the colors weren't as spectacular as I had hoped but they were still nice. I'm used to the greater verity of colors back east. I think the reds probably peaked a couple weeks ago so today the yellows showed their beauty.
Rocky started out with the doggy pack but quickly grew hot. I even gave them a lighter load of water today thinking it would be cooler. He's now snoozing it off. Shika was a sport and carried the pack the rest of the hike.
I'm missing my weekday hiking that I did when I used to work shift but I'm not missing the 12 hour days I used to have to work. I was thinking the ATV's would be gone this late in the season and the gate closed where they normally flock. Unfortunately I think I was remember a late season camping trip during the weekday when I hadn't seen the ATV's. So we picked a different trail and about got run over by some other off roaders-moto cross types. These guys though were very polite and stopped their motor bikes in time to miss totally plowing over us and leaned way over off the trail up hill to let us go by.
We also came across some of those crazy off road cyclist and a couple on horses. All were very polite. I find that American Fork outdoor recreation people are WAY nicer than the people you run into in Millcreek canyon where the city people want to just run up do their thing and run down with out stopping to enjoy it. Sometimes the Millcreek crowds are just flat rude. I also enjoy that we, even though we are dog people, don't run into a lot of dogs. Too many people in the other canyon let their dogs run off leash because they are too lazy to train them properly and the dogs are totally out of control, unruly, and start fights.
Here's some photo's of today's hike.
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