Although I love this hike the forest service has aparently decided in the past several years not to maintain the dirt road leading to the trail. This was probably the last time I will torture my car to get to this trail. In Millcreek Canyon you fight the nut jobs that let their dogs off leash that should never be let off leash (humans and dogs) and the mountain bikers. In American Fork you fight the ATV's that tear up the dirt roads and some of the trails. But for the most part American Fork trails are pretty quiet, not to mention phenomenal, and every one I have run into has been very pleasant.
Jennifer and Shauna are part of my meetup group and took this hike with us (and Shika's friend Chui.) I'll be getting more photos from one of them later to post but here's a few of mine. I have better ones of the view from hiking this trail repeatedly two summers ago.
I'm sure Rocky was glad to wait for you at home.