Friends of Animals Rescue and Rehab had their grand opening today and allowed the public to wonder around their facilities. It was a beautiful place. Most, if not all of the materials were donated so the lady giving us the tour said some of the windows were mismatched as well as doors but it was not noticeable at all. They also have an adoption center at the outlet malls between Salt Lake and Park City. Amazingly they have been paying to board all of there animals! What an expense! To check out their operation the web site is
I organize a hiking/walking group and a few friends met me up there with their pups.
This is the crazy London with owners Lauren and Rochelle:

My other friends daughter made a great attempt to get a photo of my two with Gracie the Great Dane who was actually adopted from Furburbia (Friends of Animals Utah):

Here's my two crazy kids enjoying their outing with their friends:

Can you tell who's got a biscuit?

And Rocky had to supervise the photo downloading:
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